Should the oil leak of the power steer pump be replaced or repaired?
Source: 本站
Views: 454
Time: 2022-11-08

Hello everyone ! If the booster pump leaks oil. it must be replaced. The vehicle's power steer pump leaks oil, which proves that the vehicle's power steer pump body is cracked. This problem cannot be solved by maintenance. It can only be solved by replacing the power steer pump. The vehicle's power steer pump is related to vehicle safety.We recommend that the vehicle runs for 40,000 kilometer or replaces the power steering oil every three years. If the power steering oil is not replaced for a long time, it will cause the steering of the vehicle and the power pump to fail. The steering of the vehicle will become heavy, and in severe cases, the steering of the vehicle will fail. At the same time, every time the vehicle is maintained, it is necessary to check whether the steering assist oil is lacking.
